I have installed Windows using Boot Camp, but cannot access the partition from macOS!
The most common issue when trying to access the NTFS volume that contains your Windows installation is the use of Windows' Fast Startup and hibernation features. Using them results in the creation of a hibernation file on the volume that prevents mounting it externally.
NTFS for Mac will typically ask a user to purge the hibernation state when attempting to mount the filesystem unless Disable recovery dialog for hibernated volumes-setting is toggled in System Preferences. Doing so may result in loss of data if you haven't saved your files prior to hibernating.
We recommend shutting down Windows properly before attempting to mount the filesystem from within macOS. We also recommend disabling Fast Startup.
I've disabled Fast Startup and the system is not hibernating, but mounting the Boot Camp volume still doesn't work.
If attempting to mount the Boot Camp volume results in a notice about purging the hibernation file, or an error such as Error
while mounting diskXsY: Bad address
you need to do the following:
- Restart your Mac and boot into Windows
- Open Command Prompt
- Issue this command:
powercfg -h off
Doing the above should clear any residual hibernation related files and prevent the creation of new ones. After restarting and returning to macOS you should be able to mount the volume using Finder, Disk Utility or Tuxera Disk Manager.
After successfully mounting the Windows volume, I can no longer choose to start Windows from Startup Disk!
This is normal. You need to unmount the volume, before it can be set as your startup disk.
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